Medical & Health Resources
Maryland Medicaid
A health insurance program that provides medical and health-related services to eligible Maryland residents. Call: 800-492-5231.
Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP)
Offers full health benefits for Maryland children up to age 19. Call: 855-642-8572.
Maryland Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
SHIP is a free health-benefit counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries that helps seniors understand their health insurance benefits, bills, and rights. Call: 410-767-1100.
Community & Family Resources
Maryland Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Provides cash assistance to qualifying Maryland families with dependent children while preparing program participants for independence through work. Call: 800-332-6347.
Maryland Telephone Assistance Program (Lifeline)
Lifeline is a federal benefit for eligible low-income Maryland customers, offering discounted rates for traditional landline phones, cell phones, fixed broadband, and mobile broadband. Each provider sets prices and terms, but all must adhere to national Lifeline rules. For more information, visit www.usac.org/lifeline.
Maryland Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Program
Provides financial assistance with child- care costs to eligible Maryland working families. Call: 866-243-8796.
Maryland Head Start
Head Start is a Federal program supporting children aged birth to five from low-income families, focusing on their cognitive, social, and emotional development. It offers learning environments that foster growth in language, literacy, and social skills while emphasizing the crucial role of parents as primary educators. Additionally, Early Head Start serves infants, toddlers, and pregnant women from low-income households, promoting family well-being and development.
Maryland Temporary Cash Assistance Program (TANF)
Maryland’s Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), federally known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), helps families achieve self-sufficiency by providing financial aid and promoting employment. TANF aims to support families in caring for children at home, reducing dependency on government aid, preventing out-of-wedlock pregnancies, and encouraging two-parent households.
Call: (800) 332-6347 or visit their website.
Education Resources
Maryland School Breakfast Program (SBP)
Students start the day ready to learn and grow by eating breakfast. The School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides children with a nutritious meal that studies show is correlated with higher test scores, decreased emotional and behavioral problems, reduced food insecurity, less frequent visits to the nurse, and fewer school absences.
Maryland National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Providing access to balanced meals with nutrient-rich foods is critical to support the health, development, and academic potential of all students.
Food Assistance Resources
Maryland Food Supplement Program (FSP)
SNAP, also known as the Food Stamp Program in Maryland, provides food benefits and nutrition education to low-income households. Recipients use an electronic card to purchase eligible food items. The program collaborates with state agencies and community organizations to ensure access and promote informed nutrition choices.
Maryland Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
(WIC) Healthy foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition education, health care referrals. Call: 410-767-6500.
Maryland Special Milk Program
Offers milk to children in schools, childcare institutions, and eligible camps, Call: 410- 767-0225.
Maryland Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides nutritionally balanced meals that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children, and the health and wellness of older adults and people with chronic disabilities.
Maryland Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. When school is out, SFSP provides free meals in low-income areas to kids and teens 18 years and younger.
Housing & Utility Resources
Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
Protects low-income families from utility cut-offs and allows MEAP eligible households to enter a year-round even monthly payment program with their utility company. Call: 800-352-1446.
Maryland Utility Service Protection Program (USPP)
Protects low-income families from utility cut-offs and allows MEAP eligible households to enter a year-round even monthly payment program with their utility company. Call: 800-352-1446.
Maryland Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
Assists eligible low-income electric customers with their electric bills. Call: 800-352- 1446.
Maryland Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
Assists households reduce energy bills by improving the energy efficiency of their homes. Call: 301-429-7400.
Maryland Housing Choice Voucher Program
Helps eligible low-income households lease privately owned rental units from participating landlords. Call: 410-514-7490.
Maryland Public Housing
PIH is responsible for HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing, and Native American programs, serving over 3.5 million households.
Maryland Rental Allowance Program (RAP)
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development will administer federal emergency rental funding in two ways, (1) directly to local jurisdictions through the Maryland Eviction Partnership Program to support local rental assistance efforts and (2) to property management on behalf of tenants residing in affordable rental properties that received federal or state financing through the Assisted Housing Relief Program. See list of eligible properties at Assisted Housing Relief Program Eligible Properties Search.